Prioritising Self-Care in a busy worldπŸ’†β€β™€οΈπŸ›
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Hi ,

Thanks so much for clicking on this email.

We all have busy weeks and this one has been HECTIC. 🫠

There’s so much to do and not enough time. Even with good boundaries, pushing deadlines back and trying to slow down the requests - weeks get busy. 🙈

And when they do, the first thing that tends to go is self-care. You might think - if I skip the gym, I can get X, Y, Z done. We have ALL been there and thought that! 😅

Now self care doesn’t always mean day spa’s and long baths. It often means;

✨eating well
✨going to bed earlier
✨spending less time in front of technology
✨practising better breathing techniques

It’s not particularly fun, exciting or glamorous. It’s not often worthy of talking about or posting about BUT is it is crucial. 💖

If one of your goals this year is HEALTH (like me) or avoiding BURNOUT, or life / work BALANCE then self care is KEY.

So what do we need to do?

Understand that when life gets busier, it’s tempting to speed up but you actually need to slow down.

Have a look at your day or week - what self care habits do you need to be doing?

Now imagine what life for you looks like if you don’t do those self-care habits

😭how are you going to feel?
😭what are your days going to look like?
😭how long before you break?

Do the self-care even if it means less time to do everything else. YOU are important and your mental health needs it

& remember the more capacity you have, the more capacity you have for others. You will be a better YOU, a better friend, partner, parent, clinician, employees etc.

If you’ve found this useful - please forward this on to a friend who is struggling with self-care or is feeling guilty prioritising it.

& as always send me an email or a DM @thespeechielife_ and let me know how you go with focusing on your self-care. I would love to know 💖

Feeling stuck? Burned out? Struggling with imposter syndrome? Would you like support to help you ditch the overwhelm and live your best Speechie life - Book a free coffee chat with me below. 🤩
In your first year of work or about to enter the workforce? I have something special just for you to help you get through your first year - Click on the link to find out more about THE GRAD LIFE - Your First 12 Month Roadmap 🙌
Have an amazing day!

Your Speechie Cheerleader,


PS. Are you new to my world and want more free strategies and resources on living your best Speechie life? Then be sure to connect with me on socials below!Β  You can also check out all my previous newsletters 👉 HERE

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